Feminist AI™ at Mutable Studio, Inc.
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Critical Programs


Critical Programs


Feminist AI™ is currently organizing a series of monthly virtual education programs. We will be taking a community-centered approach to interrogating and re-imaging search. This approach will bring together an interdisciplinary community of scholars (of all levels), computer scientists, researchers, designers, data scientists, activists, policy makers, and more. 

This community of stakeholders will challenge search algorithms through an intersectional feminist lens that relies on the methodologies presented in Dr. Safiya Noble’s book Algorithms of Oppression and poieto — a social technical tool used by Feminist AI™. 

This programming will consist of a series of nine monthly virtual meetings. Community experts will be invited to curate conversation participants, invite and guide analysis, and spearhead reimagined interventions. These meetings may incorporate panels, as well as workshops that result in some type of output.

Throughout this programming, and framed with poieto, Feminist AI’s communities will develop a body of publicly accessible community knowledge that can be transformed into portable educational modules or toolkits. 

Topic suggestions include: Anti-racist practices; collaboration, privacy, and consent; data, information, and knowledge; approaches to development, XR, embodiment, and bias; and auditing. 

If you are interested in leading or participating in these programs, please email info@mutable.studio, and use the subject heading: “Algorithms of Oppression education modules”.

More to be announced soon! Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media for updates. Over the next few years, in collaboration with poieto we will be updating our education modules for each of our year long Feminist.AI projects.